We provide high level of comprehensive care, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical intervention for any urological disease. Any benign and oncologic disease of Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Prostate, Testis and Penis is treated according to the latest scientific data and guidelines.
We also treat stone disease, urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence and andrological disorders like male infertility and erectile dysfunction. According to the clinical necessities we perform open, endoscopic and robotic assisted surgery.
Dr Ioannis Papazoglou
Biography of Dr. Ioannis Papazoglou
Dr Ioannis Papazoglou received his bachelor of Medicine in the school of Medicine of the University of Bologna in Italy in 2002. Since September 2010 he has been qualified as Surgeon Urologist specialist. He earned his Master of Science in Health services Management from the Open University of Cyprus.
He also earned his PhD in Medicine, in the sector of Surgery from the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. Dr Papazoglou has authored and co-authored a series of research papers published in medical journals and international conferences. His major scientific interests include the oncological urology, the andrological urology and the uroloithiasis. In the past he gained scientific and clinical training by actively taking part in the operation of various medical departments. Currently works in private practice as a Surgeon Urologist MD and since 2016 he has been part of the teaching stuff at the University of Nicosia (life and health sciences sector).