Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common male sexual dysfunction that causes severe embarrassment. Men find difficult to discuss about it and to seek for medical help. Many physicians do not know about effective treatments of the PE. Furthermore, pathophysiology of PE is not yet well known. As a result, patients may be misdiagnosed or mistreated.
PE, lifelong or acquired is characterized by:
- Ejaculation that occurs always or nearly always before or within one minute of vaginal penetration (lifelong). When there’s a clinically significant and bothersome reduction in latency time to about 3 minutes or less is considered acquired PE.
- Inability to delay ejaculation, always or almost always, on vaginal penetration.
- Negative personal consequences like distress, frustration and avoidance of sexual life.
A more general definition would be: Persistent or recurrent ejaculation after minimal sexual stimulation on or within a short time after vaginal penetration and certainly faster than the person wishes.
Risk factors:
- Genetic predisposition
- Poor overall health status and obesity
- Erectile dysfunction
- Prostate inflammation
- Hormone disorders
- Diabetes
- Lack of physical activity
- Stress and emotional problems
- Traumatic sexual experiences
- Treatment of risk factors (e.g. prostate inflammation, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, psychosexual counseling ect.)
- Behavioral strategies
- Pharmacotherapy